Robot Chicken (Season 6) – BluRay Review
Fresh off their extraordinary DC Comics Special, those jokers from the Robot Chicken crew are at it again! This time with a super-jam-packed sixth season of their Emmy Award-Winning series on DVD and BluRay. As you’d expect, along with the usual pop-culture based comedy come massive amounts of special features that you’ve come to enjoy even more.

The Series
For those out of the loop (or living in a Tron-like world): Robot Chicken is the brainchild of Seth Green (Family Guy, Austin Powers) and Matthew Senreich (formerly of Wizard Entertainment). The duo started a web series called “Sweet J Presents.” The concept: a stop-motion sketch comedy show based on pop-culture from the 80′s and 90′s (when Seth and Matt grew up). Today, Robot Chicken graces [adult swim] screens everywhere, and even has specials based on popular movies and comic franchises such as Star Wars and DC Comics.

The Full, Uncut, and Uncensored Sixth Season of [adult swim]‘s Emmy Award winning animated program comes on one big-assed BluRay with Special Features up the kazoo. A cavalcade of guest stars such as Sam Elliott, Stan Lee, Patrick Stewart, Olivia Wilde, Malin Ackerman, and many MANY others make this season just more spectacular. A multitude of skits in each episode, for instance how Pinky and the Brain truly spend their nights, Elroy Jetson finding a facehugger from Alien, even a grown up Dora the Explorer. While most of the skits aren’t terribly tasteful, the concepts are pretty humorous and fun to watch over and over. Super HiDef quality that you know [adult swim] delivers. In addition, this title comes with an Ultraviolet copy to throw onto your tablets and smartphone devices.

What RC set wouldn’t be complete without boatloads of special features. I’ll list some of them…
From the development of Season 6, to a little Robert Kirkman info, even some “dirt” on Seth and Matt themselves. The featurettes section is endless, also un-informative… which makes for some crazy fun!
Deleted Animatics:
When I chatted with Matt Senreich at New York Comic Con this year, he’d mentioned that there are A LOT of skits that never made it past animatics. And he wasn’t kidding. Endless supplies of animatics are on this set (even more than the number of episodes in the season)! Then again, those who were lucky enough to make air had stuff cut as well…
Deleted Scenes:
Want to see more of the skits that made it to air? Here are some clippets that were taken out (either for time or lack of humor) from each episode.
Chicken Nuggets:
The Nuggets are back! If you saw RC:DC, you know that this is a pop-up style trivia add-on for episodes. Learn ins and outs, bits and bobs, so-ons and so-forths of each episode as you watch and listen.
So there you have it. A fitting BluRay Season Collection for an Emmy Award Winning Series. Not sure I could say any more than that.