One Piece Also Gets Early Adult Swim Airing Starting Saturday

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In case you don’t have Twitter or missed the Twitter post from Jason DeMarco, the co-creator and executive producer of Toonami, One Piece will be getting the same experimental treatment as Dragon Ball Z Kai and have repeat episodes air during regular Adult Swim time.

So I don’t get asked a million questions about it: this Sat, One Piece will air after the 8p DBZ ep on reg Adult Swim as an experiment.

— LICH KING DEMARCO (@Clarknova1) March 4, 2015

This addition will take place starting this Saturday right after the DBZ Kai repeat airings at 8:30pm (EST). New episodes of both DBZ Kai and One Piece will still air at their regular Toonami times at Midnight and 3:30am respectively.

DeMarco also made it clear in his following post that this doesn’t mean Toonami itself will be moving to a new, earlier, time slot. However, if this current lineup does do well it will be staying as it is for a while. No further information was provided beyond was was already given.



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