Toonami Announcements from the Toonami Panel at MomoCon

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Atlanta, GA is home of Momocon, one of the many conventions happening during this Memorial Day weekend. This Friday, the Adult Swim block, Toonami, hosted it’s very own panel which featured Jason DeMarco (Co-Creator of Toonami, Senior Vice President and Creative Director of Adult Swim On-Air), Gill Austin (Co-Creative Director of Toonami and Creative Director of Adult Swim Sponsor Promotions), Steve Blum (voice of TOM) , and Dana Swanson (voice of SARA). During the panel for attendees and on the Adult Swim stream for the rest of us, we were given announcements and a few previews for upcoming events.

The announcements that were made are as follows:

  • Crunchyroll will be showing the subtitled versions of both seasons 2 and 3 of FLCL. Promo.
  • Lupin the Third Part 5 will begin on Toonami on June 15.
  • Gundam The Origin will begin on Toonami on July 6.
  • The next Total Immersion Event will be called the Forge and will air later this Fall on November 9 (you can watch the first episode here)

The rest of the panel consisted of Q & A witht he audience with those who got to ask a question receiving a special TOM gift. The rest of the panel attendees received other Toonami related swag. The panel ended with the audience getting to watch the new Attack on Titan episode that will air on May 25. Those of us who were watching on the stream will have to wait til then.

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