Kill La Kill Marathon Memorial Day Weekend on Toonami

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For Memorial Day weekend next week, Adult Swim’s Toonami block will be having a marathon of Kill La Kill episodes on May 23. The series Kill La Kill made it’s way onto Toonami this year back in March. It was originally going to air at 11:30 but was soon pushed back to it’s now regular air time of 12:30. The episodes that will be played during that time will be the 6 latest episodes that have already aired.

According to it’s official tumblr page, the line up for the night will go as follows:

12:00 – DBZ Kai
12:30 – Kill la Kill # 10
01:00 – Kill la Kill # 11
01:30 – Kill la Kill # 12
02:00 – Kill la Kill # 13
02:30 – Kill la Kill # 14
03:00 – Kill la Kill # 15

The tumblr page also assured it’s fans that the following week will be back to normal programming.

Source: Toonami on Tumblr

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