How Too Many Cooks Restored My Faith in [adult swim]

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Back when the [adult swim] block first premiered, there were shows like Aqua Teen Hunger ForceSpace Ghost, and Sealab 2021 that were just so completely out there, that I couldn’t help but watch. Eventually the Dadaism got even bigger and better with shows like Tom Goes to the Mayor and the completely warped, yet plot heavy 12 oz. Mouse.

Fast forward to today, [adult swim] like many other networks has become corporate-driven and relies heavily on “marketable” programming like Family GuyRobot Chicken, and other poop joke-laden shows set to entice the 15-20 year olds. I’ve seen many of the friends I made online (either through my Swim fansites or the Message Boards) turn their backs on the network, claiming it’s not like it used to be. Even going so far as to point out on Twitter, the fact that the programming on the network now isn’t what it once was.  With that being said, there’s always something that comes across that makes you remember the feeling of how things used to be.

A few short years ago, the 4:30am timeslot on [adult swim] was designed for not only classic Swim programs such as Mouse, but also more of their “experimental” pilots and programming. Shows like “Off the Air” which showcase trippy art and animation along with hip music. Underground-type mini-series such as The Rising Son and The Restless Bell. There have also been numerous pilots such as Icelandic Ultrablue and Swords, Knives, Very Sharp Objects, and Cutlery.

On October 27th, Swim aired its latest “experiment” called Too Many Cooks. Written and Directed by Chris “Casper” Kelly, who is no stranger to classic [adult swim], having written for Harvey Birdman: Attorney at LawSquidbillies, and Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Kelly also co-created another classic program in Stroker & Hoop, an animated spoof on 1980’s action shows like Knight Rider and Magnum P.I. as well as freshman program Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell along with Aqua Teen’s Dave Willis. Interesting to note that Your Pretty Face was also originally a 4:30am “experiment” that was successful enough to garner a full series (as well as an upcoming second season).

At any rate, it’s safe to assume that Too Many Cooks took a viral leap as of last night when YouTube user, tortoise5210 threw it online. As of writing, the video has over 1 million views! I personally had the show recorded on DVR, but like much of the current Swim programming was in no rush to watch. However, after watching social networking explode with Twitter trending “Too Many Cooks” as well as the various celebrities commenting…

@shannonandswift too many cooks. Too many cooks. Too many cooks. Too many cooks. Toomanycooks. Toomanycooks. Toomanycookstoomanycookstoomany

— Stay Puft (@staypuft) November 6, 2014

I was not only enticed severely but was not disappointed. The whole 11.5 minutes is a wonderful live-action romp through 1980’s sitcom introductions, which take a rather warped turn or three. It has elements of everything from Family Ties to ALF, to G.I. Joe, to Wonder Woman, to Law and Order,  and even Battlestar Galactica. The theme song will even make you beg that Swim put it on iTunes.

It’s THAT insanely hilarious, and for me personally, makes me remember what [adult swim] used to be. I long for the days of Space Ghost and Perfect Hair Forever. At this point, it’s probably best if you just watch the video (the one below is Swim’s official hi-res version) and hope that [adult swim] brings us more Williams Street-based programs… and not at 4am either.

Thank you, Casper Kelly, Paul PainterNick Gibbons, and everyone else responsible for restoring my faith in [adult swim].

Want to know more about Too Many Cooks? Casper Kelly and Paul Painter will be doing a Reddit AMA today (November 7th) at 5pm Eastern

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