Tim & Eric Interview in Apology Magazine #1, Update on Upcoming Projects

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Apology Magazine is a brand new general interest magazine that has just, this month, released its first issue. Stuffed into its 250+ pages is interviews and features with and about various songwriters, authors, and creators of many kinds. You can buy issue #1 right here. Click.

Amongst that 250+ page assortment of what sounds like great content, is an interview with Tim & Eric, in which the duo chat about upcoming projects that any Tim & Eric fan is going to be oh so very hyped about. There’s a handful– two shows, a movie, and a CD– all within a few pages’ interview with the newborn magazine. Let’s do a run through, shall we?

  • First up, the guys have a show coming named Tim & Eric’s Bedtime Stories. In the show, Tim is the pep pep and Eric is a young boy, and in each episode Tim tucks his son in and tells him a bedtime story. Eric explains in the interview that it’s a Twilight Zone-esque anthology series.
  • Then, there’s Tim & Eric Go to The Moon. In the future, there’s a colony on the moon that Tim & Eric end up going to where they assume they’ll be a big deal– but instead they’re just regular workers helping to paint the base. They later find other civilizations, including a mutant race that Eric says is also “incestuous”. A dark show, Eric explains, but still funny.
  • He also quickly mentions an idea they have with Zach Galifianakis in which Zach follows TMZ guys around to basically do what they’re doing to celebs on TMZ to them.
  • The Trillion Dollar Movie, sequel to Tim & Eric’s Billion Dollar Movie, has been outlined. Basically, the guys are (spoilers! Watch out!) in prison for killing all those people at the end of the first film, and they’re trying to not be executed. There will be fake product placement from a company named Wingers, a sort-of Subway that sells circular sandwiches and from other companies.
  • They’re also working on a follow-up to Awesome Record, Great Songs.

We don’t have an issue, personally (though since I know this is around, I’m going to be trying my damnedest to get an issue) , but a Tim & Eric fan tumblr was nice enough to post some info and a couple of small snippets of the interview. Thanks to them. They also included the fact that the interview ends with a note from the magazine that right before the magazine went to press, Adult Swim made deals with Tim & Eric to pick up both Bedtime Stories and Go to The Moon. Production for Bedtime Stories begins soon. So, that’s awesome news.

Buy issue #1 of Apology Magazine, with the interview and a bunch of photos of Tim & Eric, right now for $18, right here. It seems like a really nice, beautifully put together magazine. Buy it. Support it. Don’t let cool print magazines die out, guys.

And keep an eye right here and we’ll let you all know more information about the new Tim & Eric productions when we get more info.

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