We Never Stopped Swimming – The Reawakening of Adult Swim Central

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It is 2000. I am 19 years old. I am watching a show about anthropomorphic food...

It is 2002. I am 21 years old. I am making a website about a show about anthropomorphic food…

It is 2022. I am 41 years old. I am watching a movie about anthropomorphic food…


Hi. How are you all? Been a minute. Don’t worry, you haven’t hit a time loop… after a bit of an extended hiatus brought on by technology issues and some adulting… This little website of news, information, interviews, factoids, fandom, and a whole lot more is back! If you’re visiting us for the first time or just not aware: Welcome… We’re Adult Swim Central.

With everything old becoming new again, it just felt like time to resurrect the old girl and bring her into a new era. Sure, a lot has evolved since the original outing, and there’s plenty of AS love out there these days (special props to Swimpedia for waving the banner of Adult Swim to new heights), but we’re shooting to go beyond the news that you may (or may not) already be aware with our own ASC style of content.

So what are we promising? I wouldn’t exactly call it promising, after all there are no guarantees in life. However, the plan is to have fan interactivity mixed with some mildly warm editorials with a sprinkling of special guest columns and even more surprises… all wrapped up in a bow (made of the occasional Swimcast). All this, and past/present articles, reviews, interviews, and more!

Come with us on this adventure of animation, comedy, food monsters, adventuring teens, metalheads, crazy scientists/talk show hosts/detectives/lawyers, and anything else the network wants to throw at us.

All adults back in the pool!

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