Adult Swim Partners with Pizza Hut for Fan-Made Commercial Contest

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In an attempt to tap into the creativity of Adult Swim fans, the network has partnered with Pizza Hut, asking fans to describe with video their favorite moment involving pizza. Starting on March 30th, you’ll be able to vote on your favorite entries at The creator of the winning entry will win an all-expense paid trip to watch Adult Swim recreate their video.

The contest officially starts on the 30th in Baton Rouge, La., and then continues to follow the Ragbag of Jollification carnival tour. It will start asking for entries from the general public after the tour concludes. If you can’t make it to any of the tour spots, your window for entering will be May 2nd through the 22nd, during which Adult Swim will ask for contest entries on air and they can be submitted online.

For more information, you can read the more in-depth press release over here, or read the rules etc. over on this aforementioned page.

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